After having two knee replacements (4 years apart), I was so happy and excited to be able to walk without pain! Then I began having sciatic pain in my lower back and down my left leg, and the pain was excruciating at times! I kept reading that it would "go away on its own", but after six months I had had enough! For the first time ever, I decided to check out chiropractic help. I decided to go to Dr. Klein because he took my insurance, his office was near my house, and he had good reviews on Google.
I must admit I was a little nervous on my first visit, but Dr. Klein was so personable, he listened to me so carefully, and put me at ease very quickly. He took an X-ray of my spine, then showed it to me as he explained what the problem was. I had Spondylolithesis! Yikes! He explained that it was a condition in which one bone (vertebra) slides forward onto the bone below it. This could definitely cause pressure on a nerve. He also explained that he could not "fix" the problem, but he could definitely make it better. I had been walking funny for a few months to compensate for the pain, and felt like my entire spine was kinked up and unbalanced. He could also help with that. Dr. Klein and I talked about a treatment plan and he began the treatment that day. I really appreciated how he so patiently explained everything to me, and then included me in the development of my treatment plan!
“I highly recommend Dr. Klein if you are thinking about going to a chiropractor, or think you may have a need for one. He is very professional, informed, and gentle. ”
I went back 2 more times that first week--and after walking out after that third time I felt about 70% better. My leg hurt less and my spine felt straight again! Dr. Klein began scheduling my treatments with less frequency as I got better and better. My spine felt straight and balanced and therefore my posture and gait were improved as well. I have much less pain in my lower back. Best of all, I have zero sciatic pain in my leg! Finally! I can walk without pain! So nice. Dr. Klein is also very knowledgeable and he taught me about ways to take better care of my spine-- definitely information I needed. Now I only go once a month for maintenance, and will continue to do so.
I highly recommend Dr. Klein if you are thinking about going to a chiropractor, or think you may have a need for one. He is very professional, informed, and gentle. I like that he listens so well and includes you in discussions about treatment and progress. Thanks, Dr. Klein!
Carol C.
Not only is Dr. Klein a skilled chiropractor, he is a WEALTH of knowledge on all things regarding health and wellness including nutrition and exercise. He genuinely cares and is glad to share and help.
As I expected, I saw Dr. Klein two, sometimes three times a week in the beginning. My neck pain was severe and was radiating down my arm. I wanted to avoid surgery at all costs. Within two weeks, the pain was gone but due to my desk job, I was prone to drift back out of alignment. Dr. Klein treated my neck and back pain but also took the time to advise me on the most ergonomic set-up for my job to prevent neck and back pain in the future. As I progressed, my visits were spaced farther apart. As things stand now, I am feeling great and plan to maintain regular maintenance visits to stay on this path. If only I'd found him 7 years ago!
On the wellness side, I have a few medical issues and Dr. Klein has been a tremendous help to me in understanding what the issues mean, what my body may be trying to tell me and what I can do to combat the issue. I've also relied on him for referral advice on physicians because I value his opinion and trust his judgment.
“I have a few medical issues and Dr. Klein has been a tremendous help to me in understanding what the issues mean, what my body may be trying to tell me and what I can do to combat the issue. ”
LakeCrest Chiropractic is certainly a place you can expect quality care and not fear being placed through a series of expensive tests just for the sake of making money. Dr. Klein has proven to me time and time again that he is in this business to HELP people. I highly recommend LakeCrest Chiropractic.
DeAnna H.
My journey began with another chiropractor about 4 months ago. Was told that my pelvis was tilted one way on one side and a different way on the other, subluxations were present in several places, and my kneecaps were not in the proper place. Realizing this treatment plan was going to be a sizeable investment both in time and money I decided to seek out a second opinion. (Honestly, felt kind of like I was at a cattle call with the first guy.) This is how I met Dr. Drew. His diagnosis jived with the first one, but his approach was so much better! First of all, he did not want to do duplicate XRays. He tried to save me money and exposure to radiation by having by having me pick up my first set of XRays from the other place. Secondly, he was quick to say that he did not work miracles but did believe he could help me. His estimation of treatments required was fewer than the other guy, but we were still in for months of multiple treatments per week. I gladly started treatment immediately.
After about 3 weeks Dr. Drew advised that I was not getting the kind of relief he expected and ordered an MRI. Kind of freaked me out and I tried bargaining with him explaining that I had actually not been resting and icing like he recommended. He was supremely patient and convinced me to have the MRI. The test showed that I had a congenital condition called Diastematomyelia which had never been diagnosed. My spinal cord was split and tethered. Apparently the condition is rare and we began a frantic search for a neurosurgeon who had actually performed the surgery before. Dr. Drew was with me every step, answering questions, sending referrals, and calming my nerves. This condition left untreated could eventually have caused more loss of strength and coordination, incontinence, and paralysis.
“Dr. Drew was with me every step, answering questions, sending referrals, and calming my nerves.”
Today I am 3 weeks post op. 2 surgeons operated on me for 8 hours. All signs as of now indicate that the surgery was a complete success. Dr. Drew, through his unwavering commitment to patient care, got this journey started and I owe him a debt of gratitude. The only argument that I have with him is that I believe he is a miracle worker in getting this condition diagnosed.
Rhonda B.